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Kiln Lane works

We are undertaking a number of works to reduce flooding at Kiln Lane in Brambridge. We know residents have been concerned about flooding at this location and we are doing everything we can to resolve this issue. This page will provide updates about the work we’re doing as part of this.


Latest update

We will be undertaking some further work to protect the River Itchen ahead of heavy rainfall this week.

The work will involve three-way traffic lights being in place at Kiln Lane. There will also be a number of tankers in the area.

We’re sorry for the continued disruption this is causing residents and businesses.

Previous updates

As part our long-term scheme at Chickenhall Eastleigh Wastewater Treatment Works (WTW) to reduce the risk of wastewater flooding in Brambridge, we need to do some further work on the rising main at the WTW. We will be using tankers at Kiln Lane to mitigate flows while this work is done. Unfortunately, this will mean overnight closures of Kiln Lane, at the junction with Highbridge Road, for one or two nights. To minimise disruption, these closures will take place between the hours of midnight and 5am.

This work is weather-dependant. The first closure is scheduled for the night of 14th March 2023.

We have also been working in the Kiln Lane area doing some CCTV and heavy jetting of the sewer. This work has progressed well and is currently taking place away from the road.

We really appreciate the patience of residents and drivers while we are working in this area and apologise for the disruption and inconvenience caused during this time.

The long term scheme we are working on at Chickenhall Eastleigh Wastewater Treatment Works to reduce the risk of wastewater flooding from the manhole on Kiln Lane is progressing well and is on track to be completed by 31st March 2023.

We have also been working in the Kiln Lane area doing some heavy jetting of the sewer. This has been going well, however we need to do further jetting and CCTV. This work has paused temporarily due to the Highways road management work this week and BT Openreach work in the area next week.  Once we have a date for restarting we will provide a further update. When we recommence, there will be 3-way traffic lights on Kiln Lane outside Brambridge Garden Centre while this work is ongoing. We will provide further updates on the scope of this work as it progresses.

We really appreciate the patience of residents and drivers while we are working in this area and apologise for the disruption and inconvenience caused during this time.

The overnight works at Chickenhall Eastleigh WTW were successful. However, following this, we need to do additional work in the sewer which unfortunately will require a further closure of Kiln Lane. We expect the road to be closed later today (March 15).

We will complete this work as quickly as possible, however do not currently have a timeframe. We’ll provide updates once we have more information.

The Garden Centre remains open.

We apologise for the disruption caused while the road is closed and we complete this work.

We will be undertaking some important further works to replace a manhole cover as part of our ongoing efforts to reduce pollution.

To carry out the work, this means we have to close Kiln Lane for a number of hours tonight. The closure will start at 8pm and end at 6am tomorrow (August 30).

Access will be maintained for residents affected.

Information for customers of Brambridge Park Garden Centre and local residents – traffic management

Brambridge Park Garden Centre remains open for business.


Kiln Lane has been affected by flooding from a manhole, this issue has reoccurred when there is heavy rain. This manhole is on part of Southern Water’s sewer network between Kiln Lane Brambridge Wastewater Pumping Station (WPS) and Chickenhall Eastleigh Wastewater Treatment Works (WTW).

Southern Water approach to pollution management

Southern Water is seeking to tackle this issue with a three-pronged approach:

  • Short term measures to manage and reduce spills from the manhole
    Monitoring the impact on the watercourse
  • Longer term fix to reduce the risk of spills from this manhole

Short term mitigation

We have mitigated this by using tankers recently during very wet weather to reduce any pollution.

We have set up additional temporary storage to manage flows at this point in the sewer network, if successful this will reduce the need to use tankers to remove flows from the manhole. However, if there is a period of heavy rain, we may still use tankers to help tackle flooding and protect the environment. In this event the road may need to be closed for safety reasons.  We apologies for any inconvenience that this causes to local residents and visitors to this area.

Monitoring the impact on the watercourse

This issue has resulted in flows from the manhole entering the River Itchen. We recognise that this is an area of environmental significance. These spills have been monitored by Southern Water to help assess their environmental impact. 

Long term fix

Southern Water have been aware of issues with this location for some time. Investigation studies and changes have been undertaken as part of a pollution reduction plan for Kiln Lane Brambridge WPS.

Our investigations have identified there is hydraulic restriction, which happens during wet weather. In these conditions, due to this being a combined sewer system, our network receives flows from surface water run-off. Flooding will have been especially noticeable during the exceptionally high rainfall we have had over recent months. Although very dilute, any amount of water overflowing is unacceptable.

What work is taking place?

We are currently delivering a scheme to allow a greater volume of flow during wet weather which will help reduce flooding and pollution events. This will address the hydraulic restriction in the network at the point where flows discharge at Chickenhall Eastleigh Wastewater Treatment Works.

To resolve some of these issues we are diverting a pipe (known as a rising main) to improve flows.

When will this be complete?

We aim to complete works by 31st March, 2023