Connection charging arrangements
Learn more about our connection charging arrangements for when you need to connect premises to the public water supply or a public sewer.
Our charging arrangements
We collect and dispose of wastewater across the southeast of England and supply water in parts of this region.
Other water supply companies supply water to the rest of our region. Please contact them if you have any queries about their charges.
The information below is for when you intend to connect premises to the public water supply or a public sewer. This applies even if you're using an existing drainage connection. It explains the liability to pay infrastructure charges to Southern Water and the cost of making the connection.
Consulting on New Connection charges for 2025-26
Consulting on New Connection charges for 2025-26
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New connections charging arrangements 2024-25
These charges will come into effect from 1st April 2024.
Statement Of Significant Changes 2024-25
New Connection Charging Assurance Statement 2024-25
New Connection Charging Arrangements 2024-25
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New connections charging arrangements 2023-24
These charges came into effect from 1st April 2023.
New Connection Charging Arrangements 2023-24
Statement of Board Assurance Provided to the Water Services Regulation Authority – 2023–24 Charges for New Connection Services
Statement Of Significant Changes 2023 24
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