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Netherfield Road, Battle

We're installing a new pipeline in this area. We'll keep updating this page with the latest from our ongoing works.


13 May Update 

180mm rising main installation:

The new rising main has been installed up to Uckham Lane (CH5370).  A total of 4,765 metres have been installed to date and we will restart laying the rest of the rising main in Darvel Down during the summer school holidays.

Netherfield Road is closed for the washout and air valve construction works. We have finished the construction of washout WO01, WO02 and we have also completed the pressure testing on the pipeline between CH5370 and CH4600.

Week commencing 13th May 2024

We will be setting up the road closure on Netherfield Road between Netherfield Place and the old Golf Club for the construction of washout chamber (WO03).

Previous Updates 

180mm rising main installation:

The new rising main has been installed up to Uckham Lane (CH5370) a total of 4,765 metres have been installed to date and we will restart laying the rest of the rising main in Darvel Down during the summer school holidays.

Netherfield Road is closed for the washout and air valve construction works. We have now finished the construction of washout WO01 & WO02.

Week commencing 06th May 2024

We will be carrying out 1st time reinstatement works on the washout chamber WO02 on Tuesday morning 7th May.  We will then move the road closure down the road to start the first section of mains testing on Tuesday 7th May 2024 for an estimated 2 days. Whilst the mains testing is being carried out the site team are going on to an emergency job and will return on Monday 13th May 2024.

When the testing has finished, we will temporarily reopen the road until the site team return.

Please see the below diagram showing the section of the road where we are working:

180mm rising main installation:

The new rising main has been installed up to Uckham Lane (CH5370) a total of 4,765 metres have been installed to date and we will restart laying the rest of the rising main in Darvel Down during the summer school holidays.

Netherfield Road is closed in the below locations for the washout construction works. We have finished the construction of washout (WO01) this week including 1st reinstatement.

Week commencing 29th April 2024

On Monday 29th April 2024 we will be moving the road closure further down the road to the washout chamber (WO02) location to start the construction works.

Please see the below diagram showing the section of the road where we are working.


180mm rising main installation:

We have now finished installing the new rising main up to Uckham Lane (CH5370). A total of 4,765 metres have been installed to date and we will restart laying the rest of the rising main in Darvel Down during the summer school holidays. We have reinstalled the road closure on Netherfield Road to start the washout and air valve construction works.

Week commencing 22nd April 2024

We will be finishing the construction of washout chamber WO01 and then start the construction of air valve AV02. 

Please see the below diagram showing the section of road where we are working.

Netherfield update 2_220424


Please see below a brief update on the progress of our works along Netherfield Road.

180mm rising main installation:

We have installed 205 metres of the new rising main this week up to CH4965 (Total of 4,360 metres has now been installed to date).

The rising main has now been installed in Wattle's Wish and is being reinstated on Saturday 16th March.

The rising main has also been installed across the A2100, London Road and is also being reinstated on Saturday 16th March.

The 2-way traffic lights on the A2100, London Road are being removed on Monday 18th at 13:00pm.

Week commencing 18th March 2024

We will be carrying out preparation works on Virgins Lane up to CH5260 and looking to install a further 200 metres.

Virgins Lane will remain closed with a rolling road closure, access to Bowmans Drive will be maintained from the A2100 once we are past the junction at Bowmans Drive.

Netherfield Road and Netherfield Hill is currently open for traffic.

Please see the below diagram showing the section of road where we are working:

Netherfield update map

Netherfield update map 2

180mm rising main installation:

We have installed 260 metres of the new rising main this week up to CH4760 (Total of 4,155 metres has now been installed to date).

Netherfield road was reinstated on Saturday 9th March and the barriers cleared on Sunday 10th ready for Clancy TM to temporary open Netherfield Road on Monday morning.

Once Netherfield Road has been reopened, we will be setting up 2-way traffic lights on the A2100 and closing the junction of Virgins Lane.

Week commencing 11th March 2024

We will be carrying on with the open cut works in Wattle's Wish and carrying out preparation works on the A2100 and Virgins Lane up to CH5000.

Construction works will also continue on compound No2 on Netherfield Road.

Please see the below diagram showing the section of road where we are working.

Please see below an important update regarding changes to bus services from Monday 11 March 2024 as we move into the next phase of our work.

As Netherfield Hill/Netherfield Road will again be open to traffic, services 225, B72, B74, B75 and 355 will resume operation via this stretch of road. To give some public transport access, bookings had been permitted on FlexiBus whilst this road was closed but as normal services can be resumed, this service will no longer be available.

The closure of Virgins Lane means that the service 1066 journeys that use the road will run between Whatlington Road and Battle via Caldbec Hill and Mount Street (and vice versa) rather than Virgins Lane and London Road.

After serving Netherfield Hill/Netherfield Road in the afternoon, the 355 journey from Claverham Community College will not be able to follow its normal route continuing via Virgins Lane to Whatlington Road but will run north on the A2100 to Johns Cross, then south-east on the A21 to Whatlington before heading back toward Battle. Thus, it will serve the Mountfield area, Johns Cross, Vinehall Street, Whatlington and Whatlington Road in the opposite order to normal and serving stops on the opposite side of the road as it does so.

The County Council is liaising with schools and parents regarding the changes that affect school pupils.

180mm rising main installation:

We haven’t installed any of the new rising main this week due to completing preparation works in Wattle's Wish and constructing our new compound (Total of 3,895 metres has now been installed to date).

Week commencing 04th March 2024

We will be carrying out preparation works and looking to install the last 200m of the new rising main up to CH4700 on Netherfield Road and we will also be looking to lay 80m of the rising main via open cut methods in Wattle's Wish up to CH4780 .

Please see the below diagram showing the section of road where we are working.

180mm rising main installation:

We have installed 60 metres of the new rising main this week up to CH4500 and also constructed a washout chamber (Total of 3,895 metres has now been installed to date).

Week commencing 26th February 2024

We will be carrying out preparation works and looking to install a further 200m of the new rising main up to CH4700 on Netherfield Road. Reinstatement works are scheduled in for Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th February to shorten the site down and we will be continuing to construct our 2nd compound, weather depending.

We will also be starting to lay the rising main via open cut methods in Wattle's Wish, aiming to install 60 metres.

Please see the below diagram showing the section of road where we are working.

180mm rising main installation:

We have installed 205 metres of the new rising main this week up to CH4440 (Total of 3,835 metres has now been installed).

Week commencing 19th February 2024

We will be carrying out preparation works and looking to install a further 200m of the new rising main up to CH4640.

Reinstatement works are scheduled in for Monday 19th February to shorten the site down and we will be constructing our 2nd compound starting on Monday 19th February.

We will be looking to start the Wattle's Wish section of the pipeline at the back end of next week once we have finished constructing our new compound.

Please see the below diagram showing the section of road where we are working.

180mm rising main installation:

We have installed 200 metres of the new rising main this week up to CH4235 (Total of 3,630 metres has now been installed).

Week commencing 12th February 2024

We will be carrying out preparation works and looking to install a further 200m of the new rising main up to CH4430. Reinstatement works are scheduled in for Tuesday 13th February up to CH4135 to shorten the site down, please see the below diagram showing the section of road where we are working.

180mm rising main installation:

We have installed 200 metres of the new rising main this week up to CH4040 (Total of 3,435 metres has now been installed).

Week commencing 5th February 2024

Monday 5th February the team will be carrying out reinstatement works up to CH3980 to shorten the site down, we will then be carrying out preparation works and looking to install a further 300m of the new rising main up to CH4340. Please see the below diagram showing the section of road where we are working.

180mm rising main installation:

We have installed 300 metres of the new rising main this week up to CH3850 (Total of 3,245 metres has been installed to date).

Week commencing 29th January 2024

We will be carrying out preparation works up to CH4240 and looking to install a further 200m of the new rising main up to CH4050. Please see the below diagram showing the section of road where we are working.


180mm rising main installation:

We have installed 180 metres of the new rising main this week up to CH3555 (Total of 2,950 metres has been installed to date).

Week commencing 21st January 2024

We will be carrying out preparation works up to CH4055 and looking to install a further 200m of the new rising main up to CH3755. Please see the below diagram showing the section of road where we are working.


180mm rising main installation:

We have installed 190m of rising main this week (Total of 2,770 metres has been installed to date).

Week commencing 15th January 2024

We will be carrying out preparation works and looking to install a further 200m of the 180mm rising main. Please see the diagram showing the section of road where we are working.

180mm rising main installation:

Total of 2,585m of the 180mm rising main has been installed to date. No pipe was installed last week, as we were completing other works below. We will start laying the new rising main week commencing the 8 January 2024.

We tarmacked the entrance to the site compound to help try and reduce the mud on the carriageway.
Excavated and installed the test end near the compound entrance.
Completed a repair to a damaged surface water drain.
Excavated the trial hole on the bridge, which will be reinstated next week, the bridge is open under give and take.
Received the additional warning signs which will be installed along Netherfield Road on Monday 8th January 2024.
Week commencing 8th January 2024

We will be carrying out preparation works for the next 400m metres between the Golf Couse and Netherfield Hill Farm, we will be looking to install a further 200m of the 180mm rising main.

Due to multiple utility crossings a full utility scan has been arranged at the stream crossing before we undertake any excavations. This will take place on Thursday 4th January 2024.

The closure for the trial holes will now take place on Thursday and Friday this week. Pedestrian access will not be affected.

180mm rising main installation:

We have installed 370m of rising main this week (Total 2,585m installed to date).  All excavations have been backfilled and reinstated for the Christmas period and on Friday 22nd December the Site Team will be clearing all the barriers from the highway and making some temporary repairs to the grass verges filling any deep ruts with type one stone.

Please be aware this is only a temporary measure, and we will carry out the permanent repairs to the damaged verges once the weather has improved. We also have a road sweeper scheduled for Friday afternoon to clean the road between Darvel Down and the Golf Course.

Additional warning signs have been ordered for the project and should be onsite by Monday 8th January 2024.

Please can we ask that you take care and refrain from using the verges.

The road closure signs will stay in place for the Christmas/New Year shutdown, but the road will be fully open for the local residents to use between Friday 22nd December 2023 at 16:30pm to Tuesday 2nd January 2024 at 07:30am.

Please see below the sections we are planning to work on when we return back to work on Tuesday 2nd January.

Tuesday 2nd January to Wednesday 3rd January 2024

Installing a test end at CH605 (opposite the site compound near the junction of Darvel Down) so the pipeline laid to date can be pressure tested, this will be carried out under give and take.

Tuesday 2nd January to Wednesday 3rd January 2024

Excavating a trial hole on the bridge deck for the stream crossing near Horseshoes Farm. So that we can determine the construction method for this section of work the road will be fully closed at this location and there will be no access over the bridge.

Starting Thursday 4th January 2024

Carrying out preparation works for the next 400m metres between the Golf Couse and Netherfield Hill Farm. This will consist of tracing the existing utilities, excavating trial holes and launch/ reception pits ready to start directional drilling again the following week. The road will be fully closed just passed the Golf Course gate entrance.

180mm rising main installation:

We have installed 300m of rising main this week (total 1430m installed to date) and completed further preparation works ready for the directional drilling next week. We are aiming to install another 300m next week and continue the preparation work for a further 400 metres.

Please see below the diagram showing the section of road where we are working next week.

Netherfield update 7

The road will be fully closed just passed the first Eatenden Lane Junction on Tuesday 5th December once the tarmac reinstatement has been completed on Monday.

180mm rising main installation:

We have installed 300m of rising main this week (total 1185m installed to date) and completed further preparation works up to the Church ready for the directional drilling next week. We are aiming to install another 300m metres next week and continue the preparation work up to the second Eatenden Lane junction.

Please see below the diagram showing the section of road where we are working next week.

Netherfield update 6

The road will be fully closed just passed Netherfield Way Junction. Residents to Netherfield Way will access the junction via Darvel Down end. Access only at Eatenden Lane end for the residents between Netherfield Way and Eatenden Lane

180mm rising main installation:

We have installed 200m of rising main this week (total 885m installed to date) and completed all the preparation works for a further 300 metres. We are installing another 100m metres on Monday 20th November which will take us just pass the junction to Netherfield Way. We will then backfill and reinstate all the excavations up to Netherfield Way, so the road can be reopened up to this point.

Next week we are planning to install a further 300m of pipe.

Please see below the diagram showing the section of road where we are working next week. The road will still be fully closed approximately 250m pass the Netherfield Village Hall entrance.

Netherfield update map 5

Access to Netherfield Way will be via the Eatenden Lane end of Netherfield Road.

On Wednesday 22nd November (16:00pm) we are aiming to move the road closure just pass the Netherfield Way junction so that the residents will then access the junction via the Darvel Down end.

Important update:

As from 14 November 2023 we will be hard closing the road between the Village Hall and Netherfield Court.

This decision has been made due to the high volume of people ignoring the road closure.

If you live inside the closure you will still be able to access your properties.

180mm rising main installation:

We installed 100m of rising main this week (total 685m installed to date) and completed all the preparation works for a further 300 metres ready to start drilling on Monday 13th November. This would have been carried out on Thursday and Friday last week but unfortunately the drilling rig broke down on another scheme.

Next week we are planning to install 400m of pipe and prep a further 200 metres.

Please see below the diagram showing the section of road where we are working next week. The road will be closed approximately 250m pass the Netherfield Village Hall entrance. Access to Netherfield Way will be via Eatenden Lane end of Netherfield Road.

Netherfield update map 4

180mm rising main installation:

We have installed 200m of the new rising main this week (Total 585m installed to date) and backfilled all the trial holes, launch and reception pit excavations with type 1 stone ready for tarmac reinstatement on Monday 6th November.
Next week we are planning to install 300m of pipe although this will depend on the ground conditions.

Please see below:

As of midday on Monday 6th November the road will be fully closed approximately 150m pass the Netherfield Village Hall entrance.

Netherfield update map 3