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Pitts Lane, Ryde

Together with our delivery partner Clancy Docwra, we’re reducing mains bursts and ensuring a reliable water supply for your community, by investing £250,000 to replace 500 metres of old water mains in Pitts Lane, Ryde.


We really appreciate your patience while we make these improvements and will finish the work as quickly as we can.

We held a drop-in event for residents:

  • On 2 January from 3pm to 6pm 
  • At The Fleming Arms on Binstead Hill, Ryde, PO33 3RD

If you can’t find the information you’re looking for here, please call our customer service team

When the work is happening 

  • We started work at the Southern end of Pitts Lane at the junction with Binstead Hill on Monday 7 January 2019
  • We’ll progress North to the junction with Church Road
  • We expect the work to take 3 months at the most.

If we need to turn off your water

  • If we need to turn off your water for a short time (to connect you to the new mains, for example) we’ll let you know at least 48 hours before.
  • If you, or someone you look after, has specific water needs please call us on the number above and we’ll do our best to help. 

Changes to traffic

To complete this work safely, we'll be working 100 metre sections, which will be closed. If you live in Pitts Lane, you’ll have full vehicle access at all times.