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Need help with your water, wastewater, account or bill? You've come to the right place.
We provide various building and development services to help you complete your project and get you connected to the network.
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We provide a range of commercial services across our region. You can learn more and enquire about them here.
Useful Commercial links
Here you can access all the information you need about our retailer commitment, our policies and more.
Useful Retailer Links
Here you'll find all the latest information on what's happening in our region including our current Pathfinder projects.
Useful Region Links
Need help with your water, wastewater, account or bill? You've come to the right place.
We provide various building and development services to help you complete your project and get you connected to the network.
Help and resources
We provide a range of commercial services across our region. You can learn more and enquire about them here.
Useful Commercial links
Here you can access all the information you need about our retailer commitment, our policies and more.
Useful Retailer Links
Here you'll find all the latest information on what's happening in our region including our current Pathfinder projects.
Useful Region Links
Here you can learn more about us and our ambitions and the people, organisations and policies that underpin our business.
Find out what's happening in your area,
reported incidents and planned works.
We routinely inspect and sample trade effluent to check compliance and to determine the volume and strength of the discharge.
We routinely inspect and sample trade effluent discharges in order to:
For this, you'll be required to provide an accessible sampling point. The sample point must be able to provide a sample of the trade effluent discharged to the public sewer without domestic sewage contamination.
We encourage you to set up self-monitoring programmes to help with the early detection of problems.
Here are answers to some commonly asked questions about monitoring trade effluent.
Yes. We routinely inspect and sample trade effluent discharges in order to:
For any samples taken by Southern Water, you will receive correspondence by email confirming your sample results. If you'd like to receive the original analysis certificate from the laboratory, you'll need to notify your retailer (this will be subject to an annual charge). All sample analyses will also be provided to your retailer.
For each trade effluent consent, the number of samples we'll take will be determined by the risk assigned to the trade effluent. This can vary from zero to 48 samples per year.
Factors considered when calculating the risk of a trade effluent discharge:
Yes. Your consent will be reviewed on a regular basis. The review frequency will depend on the risk associated with the discharge. This can vary from ‘every 10 years’ for low-risk discharges to ‘yearly’ for high-risk discharges.
The review process may result in the need to vary one or more of the conditions contained within your existing consent. If we discover that we have not been notified of a change, we may request you to formally apply for this via your retailer (an application fee may be applied).
As part of the conditions within the consent, you are expected to notify us of any changes, as you could be in breach of your trade effluent consent.
As part of the consent, you are required to provide a sampling point so that we can take samples of trade effluent for control and charging purposes.
The sample point must offer safe and reasonable access to us at all times. It must also provide a sample of the trade effluent discharged to the public sewer without domestic sewage contamination.
Water Industry Act 1991, section 121: Conditions of the consent – ‘The provision and maintenance of such an inspection chamber or manhole as will enable a person readily to take samples, at any time, of what is passing into the sewer from the trade premises’.
Yes. We may use sample analysis (provided by the retailer or its customer) for the purposes of consent monitoring or calculating trade effluent charges by agreement with the retailer. All such sample analyses must be carried out by a UKAS accredited laboratory and be taken from the previously agreed sample point.
We may incorporate self-monitoring requirements into trade effluent consents.
We encourage customers to set up self-monitoring programmes, as they can help with the early detection of problems.
Both the occupier of the premises and Southern Water have a duty under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 to ensure that any visiting Southern Water employees can safely carry out their duties.
Our employees will act with due care for their own health and safety and observe any site-specific health and safety arrangements.
We're here to help if you have any other questions. Please fill out this form in as much detail as possible to help us answer your query.
We have 31 wastewater treatment works that accept domestic waste, including cesspool and septic tank imports, throughout our region. We also accept a range of commercial, non-hazardous, liquid waste.
We have 31 wastewater treatment works in our region that accept a range of commercial, non-hazardous, liquid waste, including commercial sewage and tankered waste.
When using one of our commercial or domestic waste disposal sites, you'll need a key fob to access the logging equipment. Here you'll be able to apply for new or replacement key fobs.