Build out form
Once the Local Planning Authority has approved planning for your development, you will need to submit your build out rate information if capacity has been deemed an issue.
Why do we need this information?
Please supply us with your first occupation dates and build out rates for your site. To enable us to assess the impact of your development on our network and should upgrades be required we will design the most appropriate solution to accommodate the development within 24 months of planning being granted. The completion of this form will assist us with this process and the information will also be utilised to determine whether part of the development can connect before reinforcement is deemed necessary.
Please note: If it has been determined that your site has sufficient capacity then we do not require the completion of this form. If you have any queries on this, please email us at:
Step 1: Contact information
Please add your contact details and information about your site.
Step 2: General site/foul drainage
Please add further information about your construction dates and site drainage.
Step 3: Surface Water (connections only permitted once SUDS hierarchy complete)
Please supply information about surface water connections.
1. Contact information
2. General site/foul drainage
3. Surface Water (connections only permitted once SUDS hierarchy complete)
Contact information
Please add your contact details and information about your site.
General site/foul drainage
Please add further information about your construction dates and site drainage.
Surface Water (connections only permitted once SUDS hierarchy complete)
Please supply information about surface water connections.