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Southern Water's Pollution Incident Reduction Plan

Our latest Pollution Incident Reduction Plan (PIRP) shows how we're progressing towards our goals to reduce pollution incidents to zero by 2040.


An overview of the plan

Building upon our previous pollution reduction plans, this plan shows our interventions for year four and their expected benefits.

The success of these pollution reduction actions will be measured using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) shown in the full plan.

One of the highlights of the plan is the digitalisation of our wastewater networks. This includes using sewer level monitors to predict blockages in pipes and stop pollution incidents from happening.

What caused pollution incidents in 2022?

Understanding the root causes of pollution incidents helps us to plan the solutions that will have the biggest impact. Out of 358 total pollution incidents in 2022, here are the main causes.


Incidents caused by fat, oil and grease and non-flushable blockages.


Incidents caused by electrical faults at our sites.


Incidents caused by burst rising mains.


Incidents caused by third-party failures.


Incidents caused by control issues.


Incidents caused by mechanical faults on our network.

What caused pollution incidents in 2022?

Understanding the root causes of pollution incidents helps us to plan the solutions that will have the biggest impact. Out of 358 total pollution incidents in 2022, here are the main causes.


Incidents caused by fat, oil and grease and non-flushable blockages.


Incidents caused by electrical faults at our sites.


Incidents caused by burst rising mains.


Incidents caused by third-party failures.


Incidents caused by control issues.


Incidents caused by mechanical faults on our network.

Two people holding and examining the Tankerton Buoy

Asset resilience

To keep our network strong in the face of adverse weather conditions, we're focusing on the resilience of our assets. This includes strengthening our systems and processes to better prepare for storms and extreme weather.

An over the shoulder close up shot of a person examining and testing water

Three lines of defence

Our three lines of defence include interventions to reduce pollution incidents via incident prevention, proactive interventions and pollution response, and asset recovery.

Southern Water engineers looking at pipes

Escape prevention

The network digitalisation programme is the initiative with the most impact on reductions in pollution incidents from the foul sewer network. The programme focuses on the maintenance and cleaning of pipes.

Asset resilience

To keep our network strong in the face of adverse weather conditions, we're focusing on the resilience of our assets. This includes strengthening our systems and processes to better prepare for storms and extreme weather.

Two people holding and examining the Tankerton Buoy

Three lines of defence

Our three lines of defence include interventions to reduce pollution incidents via incident prevention, proactive interventions and pollution response, and asset recovery.

An over the shoulder close up shot of a person examining and testing water

Escape prevention

The network digitalisation programme is the initiative with the most impact on reductions in pollution incidents from the foul sewer network. The programme focuses on the maintenance and cleaning of pipes.

Southern Water engineers looking at pipes
A wide shot looking along the River Itchen

Lawrence Gosden, Chief Executive Officer

"By 2025, we want to reduce the number of pollution incidents by a minimum of half compared to 2019, but have plans that could see us go as far as 80%. What’s more, we have set ourselves an ambitious target to reduce pollution incidents to zero by 2040."


How you can help

We're leading the sector in self-reporting pollution. This means our staff are trained to spot pollution incidents no matter how small. However, we need eyes and ears everywhere. If you see something that you think might be a pollution incident to report, please get in touch on 0330 303 0368.

Together, we can protect and improve the environment.

View our previous plans

The plan builds on previous pollution reduction programmes published in 2020, 2021 and 2022.

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