Drought Plan
We’ve created a Drought Plan to demonstrate what steps we’ll take to maintain supplies while protecting the environment in the event of a drought.
Our Drought Plan
Our Drought Plan sets out how we would deal with a drought in Sussex, Kent, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.
It outlines the steps we would take to make sure we can maintain supplies of drinking water to our customers while minimising the impact on our rivers and the environment during drought events. For each stage of drought, we determine what needs to be done, by who, to help reduce demand, so water supplies can be maintained. Temporary Use Bans (TUBs) and Drought Orders are part of this.

Our 2019 Drought Plan and supporting documents
Non-Technical Summary
Technical Summary
Annex 1: Drought Monitoring and Trigger Levels
Annex 2: Scenario and What If Testing
Annex 3: Demand Interventions
Annex 4: Supply Interventions
Annex 5: Environmental Monitoring Plan
Annex 6: Water Efficiency Strategy
Annex 6: Management and Communications
Annex 7: Post-Drought Actions
Annex 8: Engagement and Consultation
Annex 9: Options Appraisal Approach
Annex 10: Restrictions: Frequently Asked Questions
Annex 11: Habitats Regulations Assessment Report Part 1 – Stages 1 and 2
Annex 11: Habitats Regulations Assessment Report Part 2 – Stages 3 and 4
Annex 11: Habitats Regulations Assessment Non-Technical Summary
Annex 12: SEA Appendices A to C
Annex 12: SEA Appendix C1 European Designated Sites
Annex 12: SEA Appendix C2 National Designated Sites
Annex 12: SEA Appendix C3 Recreation
Annex 12: SEA Appendix C4 Aquifer & Geology
Annex 12: SEA Appendix C5 Surface Water Features
Annex 12: SEA Appendix C6 Resource Availability
Annex 12: SEA Appendix C7 Agricultural
Annex 12: SEA Appendix C8 Air Quality
Annex 12: SEA Appendix C9 Heritage
Annex 12: SEA Appendix C10 Landscape
Annex 12: SEA Appendix D and E
Annex 12: Strategic Environmental Assessment Non-Technical Summary
Annex 12: Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report
Annex 13: Water Framework Directive Assessment
Annex 13: Water Framework Directive Assessment Non-Technical Summary
Statement of Exclusions
2018 Statement of Response
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