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Our suppliers

We recognise the importance and reliance we have on supply chain partners in innovation, water security, corporate and social responsibility, and operational efficiency. This enables us to give our customers a better service while keeping bills lower than they would otherwise be.


Our partners

We’re committed to building strong relationships with our expert suppliers to support our ambition to “create a safe, resilient, outcome-based aligned supply chain which contributes to business performance and enables the business to achieve its ambitions of delivery value for the customer.” 

Our supply chain ambition: 
•    A supply chain driven to deliver customer value where supplier innovation is enabled;
•    A collaborative supply chain network;
•    A diverse and inclusive supply chain;
•    Supply chain partners are vested in our long-term business plans;
•    Supply chain partners enable delivery of our environmental and social value ambitions.

Ethical procurement

We’re committed to working ethically with the highest standards of behaviour. Doing the Right Thing is one of our key values that contributes to our success. 

Everyone at Southern Water has regular training to maintain our Code of Ethics and our suppliers are expected to share similar values and behaviours. We are committed to Ethical Procurement. Our Procurement Team are trained in ethical sourcing and are required to maintain this training on an ongoing basis.

Sustainable procurement 

We have a responsibility to protect and respect the environment in which we live and work – not only for the business, but for customers and future generations too. We make sure everything we do has a minimal impact on the environment. . We look to build strong relationships with the communities we work in and with the help of our supply chain, make a positive contribution to the communities we serve. Our suppliers work with us to promote initiatives which leave a lasting legacy in the community.

We’re a member of the Supply Chain Sustainability School, an award-winning industry wide collaboration. Led by our Partners and Members, their vision is “An industry where everyone will have the skills and knowledge to deliver a sustainable future.” Free to join, the Sustainability School offers access to material to upskill businesses and workforce.  

Modern Slavery

Sadly, modern day slavery does still exist. In the UK, modern slavery and human trafficking continue to increase with nearly 17,000 potential victims of modern slavery referred to the Home Office in 2022.  A 33% increase compared to the prior year (UK Home Office Stats Published 2nd March 2023).

We’re strongly challenge all forms of slavery and human trafficking and are fully committed to acting ethically in all our activities and business relationships. Our supply chain, contractors, employees and business partners should have the same principles.

Working with us

We select suppliers who align with our values, comply with all applicable local laws and regulations, and respect internationally recognised human and labour rights. 

All our suppliers adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct which sets out the core principles we expect all of our supply chain to comply with when doing business with Southern Water.  .

Prospective suppliers

We have an open and transparent procurement process and follow the Utilities Contracts Regulations. 

Related websites

Suppliers may also find these websites useful.

Achilles: Achilles works to identify, qualify, evaluate and monitor suppliers on behalf of major organisations worldwide.

British Water: British Water is the trade association for the water industry supply chain.

CIPS: CIPS promotes and develops high standards of professional skill, ability and integrity among companies involved in purchasing and supply chain management. It assists individuals, organisations and the profession as a whole.

Water UK: Water UK represents all UK water and wastewater service suppliers at a national and European level, providing a positive framework for the water industry to engage with government, regulators, stakeholder organisations and the public.