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A photo looking at the houses built along the road at Deal Beach

Deal, Kent

We're working collaboratively with local representatives to help reduce the risk of flooding in Deal, Kent.


The challenge

Residents in this area have experienced chronic internal flooding to their properties over many years. As heavy rainfall events increase due to climate change, properties will continue to be at risk from flooding unless we tackle the amount of surface water that gets into the combined sewer system.

In this area, we’ve identified and are investing in different approaches to manage water flows and reduce the risk of flooding for residents.




What we're doing


Deal Water Action Task Force

Southern Water, Deal’s MP, Kent County Council, Dover & District Council, and public representatives have formed a task force to work together in the area. This collaboration is vital for coming up with solutions that will have the biggest impact.


Albert Road improvements

We’ve updated the surface water sewer in Albert Road to help redirect surface water and reduce pressure on the road during heavy rainfall. Kent County Council have also upgraded gullies in Albert Road to remove run-off more efficiently.


Installed planters and smart water butts

We’ve installed planters and smart water butts in four roads upstream to ‘slow the flow’ of water in the town and help to prevent flooding.


Golf Road pumping station improvements

We're working to install new pumps, monitoring and control systems to help optimise performance at our Golf Road pumping station. This improves the station's ability to deal with periods of heavy rainfall and reduces the risk of flooding.


The Pathfinder project in Deal is due to be complete by 2025. We'll continue to work alongside local representatives to manage surface water and reduce flooding in the area. You can view or download the full reports using the links below.

An illustrated outline of a water drop

Over 90

Water butts and planters installed in local homes with further rollouts to Deal and Walmer planned.

An illustrated outline of a water drop


Across our region, we've installed rain garden planters at 43 schools, with another 50 planned.


The Pathfinder project in Deal is due to be complete by 2025. We'll continue to work alongside local representatives to manage surface water and reduce flooding in the area. You can view or download the full reports using the links below.

An illustrated outline of a water drop

Over 90

Water butts and planters installed in local homes with further rollouts to Deal and Walmer planned.

An illustrated outline of a water drop


Across our region, we've installed rain garden planters at 43 schools, with another 50 planned.