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Commercial wastes

We have 31 wastewater treatment works in our region that accept a range of commercial, non-hazardous, liquid waste, including commercial sewage and tankered waste.


What is commercial waste, and how can you apply to dispose of it at one of our sites?

We define commercial wastes as 'waste arising from commercial premises excluding wastewater from businesses preparing food and drink for consumption on the premises and sewage.'

Our waste acceptance procedures for commercial waste are controlled by the Environment Agency permits that we operate under.

The commercial waste acceptance procedure is as follows:

  1. Submit your commercial waste enquiry form online to Southern Water’s Commercial Waste team
  2. Southern Water provides an estimate for treatment costs to the waste producer/ haulier
  3. Waste is sampled and analysed
  4. We provide a quote and suitable sites for disposal
  5. The commercial waste agreement is signed
  6. The haulier will be given documentation and key fobs (£40 each)
  7. A representative from your company will complete a site and safety checklist and return it to our Commercial Waste team

Guidance for commercial waste disposal

Once you have a Southern Water permit to discharge, contact us on Fridays to book in volumes for disposal the following week. Southern Water will issue the schedule for discharges to you for the week.

Once on-site, tanker drivers must contact site operators and provide three samples from the tanker. Completion of Duty of Care waste transfer note and Southern Water documentation takes place. Once authorised, commercial waste can be discharged at the specified discharge point using a keyfob.

Step 1: Waste producer

Please add the name, address, and contact details of the waste producer.

Step 2: Waste haulier

Please add the name, address, and contact details of the waste haulier.

Step 3: Waste description

Please add a detailed description of your waste.

Step 4: Waste components

Please add information about your waste's components.

Step 5: Declaration of hazardous constituents

Please select all that apply to your waste.

Step 6: Sample and site information

Please add your current disposal route and preferred disposal site.

Step 7: Terms and conditions

Please refer to our Terms and Conditions before submitting this form.

1. Waste producer
2. Waste haulier
3. Waste description
4. Waste components
5. Declaration of hazardous constituents
6. Sample and site information
7. Terms and conditions

Waste producer

Please add the name, address, and contact details of the waste producer.

Waste haulier

Please add the name, address, and contact details of the waste haulier.

Waste description

Please add a detailed description of your waste.

Waste components

Please add information about your waste's components.

Declaration of hazardous constituents

Please select all that apply to your waste.

Sample and site information

Please add your current disposal route and preferred disposal site.

Terms and conditions

Please refer to our Terms and Conditions before submitting this form.

Commercial waste enquiry form
Commercial waste enquiry form
Commercial waste enquiry form
Commercial waste enquiry form
Commercial waste enquiry form
Commercial waste enquiry form
Commercial waste enquiry form