Our Business Plan 2020–25
To help us create our plan we contacted hundreds of thousands of current customers, businesses, independent experts, regulators (like Ofwat), and many young people who might be customers themselves one day.
Water is essential to every aspect of our lives
We drink it, cook with it and use it to clean. It grows the food we need, helps generate the energy we use, and goes into the creation of everything we own. But our water supply faces big challenges. The population of the South East is growing fast, and climate change will bring droughts and more extreme weather. It’s a future of more people needing water and wastewater services, with less water to go around.
The vital nature of water, and the need to keep it flowing far into the future is what we mean by Water for Life. And it’s why we need to start acting now for the challenges ahead. We’re committed to improving the South East’s precious water environment and we take our environmental duties very seriously. We’ve come a long way since our transformation programme started in 2017 – and we’re going further each day. Our investment areas map outlines our plans for 2020-25.
You can also read the full suite of documents submitted to our regulator below:
Revised Business Plan
IAP Action Tracker
Executive summary
Board Statements
Technical Annex 1 – Engaging Customers
Technical Annex 2 – Affordability and vulnerability
Technical Annex 3 – Delivering Outcomes for Customers
Technical Annex 4 – Securing Long Term Resilience
Technical Annex 5 – Targets, Controls, Markets and Innovation
Technical Annex 6 – Securing Cost Efficiency
Technical Annex 7 – Aligning Risk and Return
Technical Annex 8 – Accounting for Past Delivery
Technical Annex 9 – Securing Confidence and Assurance
Technical Annex 10 - IAP actions summary
Models and Data
Bill Waterfall Model
PR19 Financial Model
BPT FM Mapping tool
Data Tables commentary
Business Plan data tables
Revenue adjustments feeder model
RCV adjustments feeder model
Totex menu
WRFIM update
Securing Confidence and Assurance
Executive Summary
Delivering Outcomes for Customers
Additional Representations
Resilience Action Plan
Targeted Controls Markets and Innovation
Securing Cost Efficiency
Technical Annexes
Materiality threshold supporting calculation
SRN PR19 draft determinations Company representation pro forma
Tables and Models
DD Financial model SRN ST DD
DD business plan commentary
DD developer services commentary
DD developer Services Data Tables
DD outcomes Commentary
DD Representations Data
PR19 Business plan data tables
Resilience Action Plan
Drainage and Waste Water Management Plan
Drainage and Wastewater Management Plans (DWMPs)
Southern Water DWMP Delivery Programme
Navigating our plan
Chapter 1 – Executive Summary
Chapter 2 – Trust, Confidence and Assurance
Chapter 3 – Our Ambition
Chapter 4 – Customer and Stakeholder Engagement and Participation
Chapter 5 – Future Customer Engagement and Participation Strategy
Chapter 6 – Outcomes, Performance Commitments and Outcome Delivery Incentives
Chapter 7 – Delivering resilience in the round
Chapter 8 – Helping customers who need our support
Chapter 9 – Great Customer Service
Chapter 10 – Innovation
Chapter 11 – Wholesale Water
Chapter 12 – Wholesale Wastewater
Chapter 13 – Retail Controls
Chapter 14 – Wholesale Cost Efficiency
Chapter 15 – Direct Procurement for Customers
Chapter 16 – Risk, Return and Financeability
Chapter 17 - Accounting for Past Delivery
Our Business Plan 2020–25 has been produced to be concise, clear and sufficiently detailed in all aspects, but by the very nature of its complexity, requires a lot of supporting evidence to be robust and fully detailed. This further level of evidence and detail is provided in the form of a number of supporting appendices and data tables.
Recognising that it is not in the best interest of our customers or the wider public interest to make all of the contents of these supporting documents public, we have, in the versions of some of the supporting documents published here, made a small number of redactions of information that is either confidential, commercially sensitive, and/or otherwise identified as sensitive for reasons of national security and the requirements of the Security and Emergency Measures (Licensed Water Suppliers) Direction.
TA.0.1 Navigating our Plan
TA.2.1 Statements of Board Assurance
TA.2.2 Board engagement and challenge
TA.2.3 PR19 Assurance Framework
TA.2.4 Trust and transparency YouGov full report
TA.2.4 Trust and transparency
TA.2.5 Meeting our Statutory and Licence obligations
TA.2.6 Legal Instruments (WINEP and DWI Notices)
TA.2.7 Letters of Assurance
TA.4.1 Customer engagement methodology and findings
TA.4.2 Summary of supporting customer insight
TA.4.3 Triangulation of customer priorities
TA.4.5 CCG Challenge Log
TA.5.1 Future Customer Engagement & Participation principles
TA.5.2 Future Customer Engagement & Participation Examples
TA.5.3 Future Customer Engagement Strategy (CCG - June '18)
TA.6.1 Our approach to PCs and ODIs
TA.6.2 Our package of PCs and ODIs
TA.6.3 Rationale for AMP6 amendments and discontinuations
TA.7.1 Understanding Operational risk and resilience
TA.7.2 Corporate risks: Ethical business practices and modern compliance framework
TA.7.3 Understanding risks: High level risk summary table
TA.7.4 Demonstrating our Resilience
TA.7.5 Investing in our people
TA.7.6 Measuring improvements through our performance commitments
TA.7.7 Optioneering and Estimating
TA.7.8 Benchmarking Resilience and best practice
TA.8.1 Tackling affordability and vulnerability
TA.9.1 Delivering Great Customer Service
TA.10.1 Innovation: Supporting Evidence
TA.10.2 Understanding best-practice Innovation
TA.11.1 Water AMP7 Comparative Industry Performance Assessment
TA.11.2 Water Horizons - Southern Waters Long Term Asset Management Strategy
TA.11.3 Regional Water Grid
TA.11.4 Water Resource Bid Assessment Framework
TA.11.5 Havant Thicket Reservoir Resilience Project
TA.11.WN01 Business Case - Supply Demand Balance
TA.11.WN02 Business Case - Nitrate
TA.11.WN03 Business Case - Water Treatment
TA.11.WN04 Water Networks
TA.11.WN05 Service Reservoirs
TA.11.WR01 Business Case - Raw Water Pumping
TA.11.WR02 Business Case - Impounding Reservoirs
TA.11.WR03 Catchment Management Solutions
TA.12.WW01 Business Case - Wastewater Treatment
TA.12.WW02 Business Case - Network Pumping Stations
TA.12.WW03 Business Case - Outfall, CSOs and Detention Tanks
TA.12.WW04 Business Case - Sewers and Rising Mains
TA.12.WW05 Business Case - Wastewater Growth
TA.12.WW06 Business Case - Wastewater Environmental Programme
TA.12.WW07 Business Case - Flooding and Pollution Strategies
TA.12.1 Wastewater AMP7 Comparative Industry Performance Assessment
TA.12.2 Response to February 2018 feedback in initial bio-resources allocation proposals
TA.12.3 Mott MacDonalds PR19 Bio-resources RCV Allocation
TA.12.BR01 Business Case - Bioresources Treatment and Growth
TA.12.MG01 Business Case - M&G Fleet
TA.12.MG02 Business Case - M&G Data and Information Technology
TA.12.MG03 Business Case - M&G Buildings
TA.12.MG04 Business Case - M&G Research and Development
TA.12.MG05 Business Case - Central Costs and PR24
TA.13.1 Doubtful debt and debt management
TA.13.2 Management of gaps sites and voids
TA.14.1 Cost Adjustment Claim 1 - Bathing Water
TA.14.2 Cost Adjustment Claim 2 - Thanet Groundwater Protection Scheme
TA.14.3 Cost Adjustment Claim 3 - Growth - Whitfield
TA.14.4 Bottom-up Cost Estimation
TA.14.5 PR19 Approach to Optioneering
TA.14.6 Oxera Report: Estimate of RPE and frontier shift
TA.14.7 Top-down econometric analysis (Botex)
TA.15.1 Direct Procurement for Customers
TA.16.1 Our approach, evidence and assurance of Financial Resilience
TA.16.2 Changes to Capital Structure
TA.16.3 Oxera RORE modelling
TA.17.1 Performance Commitment Forecasting
Southern Water presentation pro-forma
Southern Water presentation pro-forma guidance tables
For the latest versions of data tables, commentary and associated data models, see IAP response above.